Friday 22 March 2013

Practice Photos

These are the practice photos I took for the magazine, I took these photos to just practice with the camera and try a few different angles and locations to help for my real photos.

Thursday 21 March 2013

Double Spread Draft

This is my mock up for my double spread page, the double spread page mock up is related to the research I have done on my chosen genre R&B. There will be two images on my double spread, one on each page, the one image will be a long shot and the other will be a medium close up. The images will relate to the genre so the way they pose and the clothes they wear. The rest of the double spread will contain the written article about the performer and the person will be the person on my front cover. So my double spread is based on the research I have done.

Content Page Draft

This is my mock up for my content page, the mock up is going to relate to the research I have done on R&B, as that is my chosen topic. On my content page it will have again only one main image; however it will be a different image and person. The image will be a medium shot again and the pose, clothes and image will try to represent the R&B genre. Then in the top right corner it will have contents and the initial Q&K. Then on the left hand side going down in a column it will have the information that will be within my magazine.

Front Cover Draft

The front cover of my magazine is going to relate to the research I have done for my chosen music genre which is R&B. It will have only one main image on it which will be a relate to my double spread, the image will be a medium close of and will try to represent the R&B genre, through the pose, colours and clothes worn. The name of the magazine will be at the top centre to balance the magazine, the style will be bold capital letters. Then around the picture there will be the straplines and relevant information to what is inside the magazine, these will be placed round the image. Then at the bottom of the image there will be the price and a bar code.

Double Spread Research

Double spread   

This a double spread from the magazine ‘Vibe’ which is an R&B genre based magazine. The double spread is based on a famous R&B rapper Wiz, who is well known in the industry of R&B music and has a wide fan base worldwide. The double spread contains one image on the on left hand side of the double spread and on the right hand side the article for the double spread article.
The one image that is on the double spread is a close up of the famous R&B rapper/singer and the image is on a black background to make the image stand out. The image takes up the whole of the page and in the image it’s a close up of his face to show the facial expression and the smoke he is releasing out of his mouth. He is also wearing a cap and showing off the tattoos on his neck. This shows the bad boy look which is represented through the R&B genre. 

The article is not in an interview style it is like they are telling a story of part of wiz is life. They use a rhetorical question “how high?” this makes the audience feel like they are been directly spoken to and make them feel included in the article. The have used yellow and black to do with the theme of the article as it is to do with his top hit song “Black and Yellow” so the colour scheme is relevant. Also the spoken language is formal and relevant to the style of the article.

The genre of the magazine is made clear through the double spread page, as the company of the magazine is a VIBE a well-known R&B magazine. Also from the chosen performer that has been used for the article is Wiz a top R&B rapper who is well known and has a wide fan base around the world which will attract a wide audience, also from the information used in the article and the pose of the image. So the genre of the magazine is R&B and this is made clear through the double spread of the magazine.  

Double Spread Research

Double Spread

This a double spread from the magazine ‘Vibe’ which is an R&B genre based magazine. The double spread is based on one famous R&B rapper Drake, who is a well known rapper worldwide, with a big fan base. The double spread contains 2 images of the R&B rapper Drake and an interview telling his story. One the first page there is a column of information and on the right there is an image which takes up most of the page. Then on the other page there is an image on the top half taking landscape and then three smaller columns of writing underneath. The double spread is balanced as they have used a grid to make sure everything is balanced and looks good to the audience, also making it easy for the reader to read the information. 

The two images on the page are both of Drake the famous R&B rapper the double spread article is about. The first image is a medium shot of Drake, with a dark black contrasting background which makes Drake stand out, with his facial expression. In the image Drake is wearing dark coloured clothes and the image is a dark image which makes his face and facial expressions stand out more. The mood is a happy mood as he has a huge grin and looks very happy and proud of himself.  The other image is a medium close up of drake sitting down in his studio. It is a black and white image, so no use of colours. The image shows he takes his music serious and makes the audience feel included in the image as it’s in his personal space. So he is including them in by showing an important part of his life.

The article is about Drake a famous R&B rapper is not in the sense of an interview more telling the reader information about him. The colour the writing is plain black on a white background however the first paragraph is red and in bold to main it stand out and it contrasts on the white back ground.

The genre of the magazine is made clear in through the double spread page, as the company of the magazine is VIBE a well known R&B magazine. Also through the chosen performer as Drake is a well known R&B rapper/singer with a wide fan base which will attract an audience. Also through the dark colours that are used in the images. So the genre of the magazine is R&B and I think this is made clear through the double spread.

Monday 25 February 2013

Research for Magazine Content page

Content Page

This is a content page from 'Vibe' magazine, which is a well known R&B magazine. The layout of the content page is a medium close up shot of a famous R&B rapper, which takes up most of the space on the content page. This is important to the genre as of the magazine as through the chosen image it is made clear the magazine is a R&B based magazine, this is because he is a well known R&B rapper. The content page is not very balanced as the image takes up most the space, however there is writing on the left side of the content page making it left alignment. The contrast of the white on a dark red allows the writing to stand out, also the ‘V’ on the content page in the darker red back to relate it to the title of the magazine. The image on the content page is a famous R&B rapper; this is the only image on the content page. The image relates the R&B genre of typical R&B male singers and rappers, with the gold teeth, heavy amount of jewellery, cap and tattoos so this look emphasis the fact the magazine is an R&B genre. The image makes the audience observers and does not include them, just attracts them. So it relates to the audience by making them either inspires to be like him or a sexual attraction. The written language on the content page is informal and relaxed and it relates to the audience and gives of a relaxed tone. The writing on the magazine is in capital and bold to show that it is the content page so it stands out, the rest of the writing is in capitals but not bold or the font is not as big. The information tells the readers what is going to be further in the magazine so the stories and this attracts attention to make the reader want to carry on reading. The genre is very apparent from the front cover however the content page makes the genre apparent. This is shown on the content page by the chosen picture of the famous male R&B rapper, who has a wide fan base. Also the articles that are within the magazine are shown on the content page which relates to R&B genre, so through the content page it is made apparent to the readers that the magazine is a R&B magazine.      

Monday 4 February 2013

Research for Magzine Content page


Content Page

This is a content page from VIBE magazine which is based on urban type music such as R&B and Hip Hop. The layout of the content page is a long shot image of Ciara a famous R&B female singer, which takes up most of the space on the content page. This is important because Ciara is a top R&B female singer and has a wide fan base, which will attract big audience. The content page is balanced as it has an image and text. The contrast of the title on the content page is white on a black background to make it stand out, so it may be done to emphasis the title and grab the audience’s attention. This draws the reader’s attention and allows them to see the genre of the magazine. The image on the content page is an image of the famous R&B singer Ciara, who has a wide fan base, so this relates to the genre of the magazine. The image relates to the content page, because the main story is about Ciara and Ciara is also on the front cover of vibe magazine. There is only one image on the content page and it is a long shot of Ciara. It is a very attractive image of Ciara and has a lot of sex appeal to it. She is lying down, with her legs in the air making the letter ‘V’ which relates to the title of the Magazine ‘Vibe’ also the capital V in the writing to emphasis the title again. The clothes Ciara have on adds to the sex appeal of the image, also the colours she is wearing are gold’s and silvers to emphasis the fact she’s classy but sexy and has a lot of money. The colours also relate to the background and the contrast of the content page and set the mood of cool. The image makes the audience observers and does not include the audience just makes them attracts or want to be like her. So it relates to the audience by making them want her or to be like her and it relates to the genre as she is a top R&B singer. The written language on the content page informal and has a relaxed tone to it, as it is being friendly to the readers. The writing on the magazine is in capitals and bold letters to make the headings stand out, then the rest is in capitals but not bold. It also has this tone to go with the genre of the magazine; it is telling the readers what will be in the magazine so it is drawing their attention to make them want to read the whole magazine. The genre of the magazine is shown throughout the whole magazine even the content page. The genre is shown by the image that has been used on the content page of a famous female R&B singer Ciara, who has a wide fan base. Also the articles that are within the magazine are shown on the content which relates to the R&B genre. Also the colours and title of the magazine relate to the genre and make it obvious to the reader the genre of the magazine is R&B.  

Wednesday 30 January 2013

Schedule of Magazine


Final Deadline:

Research and planning - 8th Feb
Finished magazine - 22nd March
Evaluation - 26th April

My Deadlines:

Research and Planning done for the 5th of Feb and double checked on the 7th Feb.
Mock ups completed on 13th Feb E.g. everything decided, so images and who off? costumes, title.
Images taken for the magazine 14-20th Feb to give a wide range to chose from.
Photoshop chosen images 22-25th Feb.
Then start magazine 26th Feb.
Front cover done 30th Feb.
Content page done 5th March.
Double spread done 10th March.
Double check magazine and articles, so magazine is completely finished 21st March.
Evaluation completed 25th April.

Thursday 24 January 2013

Planning My Magazine

Planning For My Magazine:
Target Audience:

The target audience I will be aiming my magazine will be will be a wide audience of both teenagers and young adult and both female and male. The reason for this is because the genre of music I am doing is mainly focused at teenagers and young adults. Also it is a unisex genre as it has a mix of performers and is aimed at both sexes. A famous R&B singer that is aimed at both genders and teenagers and males would be “Rihanna”.
The music genre I am focusing on for my Magazine will be R&B. The reason I choose this genre as my magazines influence is because it is the music I prefer to listen to and have more of a knowledge and understanding of. R&B is worldwide music and has a wide audience; there are main famous singers and rappers. E.g. Trey Songz, 50 cent, Rihanna, Nicki Minaj and Drake. These artists are some of the top in the industry at the moment and are very famous. The stereotype of a typical R&B singer/rapper would be for females: very attractive/ sexy, great figure, seen as a “BAD BITCH”, not a role model for behaviour but role model for looks. A stereotype for male would be hot and great body and abs and a “BAD BOY”. A stereotype for both female and male are that R&B and artist tend to be mainly black. The music also tends to contain a lot of bad language and sexual lyrics. However it is a famous genre worldwide and has a large audience. 
The Image and dress sense of  the an R&B singer or rappers influences the audience that follows them, as they may want to be like them or the R&B singers and rappers may be there role models and they inspire to be like them. Female R&B singers tend to dress very skimpy to show off their great figures/bodies, they also dress attractive to get male attention, E.g. Rihanna and Nicki Minaj. So girls may follow there fashion sense and dress in the latest clothes and skimpy clothes. Also they may follow the image of “Bad Bitch” or “Drama Queen”. Whereas male artists tend to go the gym to get great bodies, wear designer and are all about the bling, E.g. Trey Songz and Lil Wayne So boys may follow there fashion by going to the gym to get bodies like the artists, wearing the top clothes and wearing a lot of bling, also they may follow the image of “Bad Boy”. 
The behaviour of an R&B singer will influence the audience that follows them as an R&B singer/rapper maybe have a bad attitude or be rude. Which fans may follow, also the interests of the audience may be like R&B singers/rappers they may like to dance, or have tattoos or go out drinking. As R&B singers/rappers tend to have bad attitudes and many enjoy dancing.  
Magazines Title Ideas:
Fame - the reason for this is because it relates to all famous singers not just R&B, however the magazine is for famous R&B singers/rappers who are already well know and got a wide fan base.
Queens & Kings - the reason for this name is because it relates to the view of R&B singers/rappers being holy and having a wide fan base and having the bad attitude because they are seen as Queens & Kings so can act like this and still have respect and have a wide audience.
Beat- the reason for this is because it relates the R&B music and the beat of a song.

Front Cover:

My front cover will contain a main image of a artist for the genre R&B, which my double spread/ main story will be about. I am deciding whether to use a female or male model for my main image, but I am going to use the R&B look of the sex appeal and the bad attitude look.
The text on my front cover will be text that is relevant to the double spread, the stories on the content page and the genre of the magazine E.g.
-Top 20 R&B songs of the week. 
-Interview with new famous R&B artist.
-Win a trip to this concert and stay the night.
-Free posters inside.

Content Articles:

The content articles that I want to be in my magazine will be relevant to the R&B genre I have chosen for my magazine. The articles will be based on famous R&B artists and their life styles E.g. what they do, their choses and how they live their life’s, E.g.
1- Content page.
2-3 Double spread, Interview with (the main image R&B artist).
3-5 Images of the awards.
6- How to win a full paid trip and tickets to a concert.
7-11 Top 20 R&B songs of the week.
12-14 Black stage at Trey Songz concert.
15-17 Three posters of top R&B artists.
18-20 Detail on the whole R&B industry.

Double Spread:

The double spread page will be a interview with the artist who will be on the front cover of my magazine.

Tuesday 22 January 2013

Research For Music Magazines


There is only one image on the front cover and it takes up most of the space on the R&B cover of VIBE magazine. The image is of famous R&B male singer Trey Songz, it is a medium shot, with a dark black tiled effect background. This is important because the image relates to one of the stories on the cover, also because it attracts the audience’s attention as Trey Songz has a wide fan base. The front cover is balanced with the image in the middle and the masthead at the top, in bold writing and the text and the right and left of the image and the image in the centre, making the front cover balanced, however the image does cover some of the masthead, but this shows it is a well known magazine. Also the alignment it left and right, which makes the cover balanced and emphasis the image of Trey Songz. The contrast of the clack background makes Trey Songz stand out and the colouring of the text is white and red which stands out in the background, also the colours and background show a small amount of aggression. This goes with Trey Songz facial expression and the text, this affect the reader to want to read more, draws attention and makes it obvious the genre is R&B.


The main image on the front cover of VIBE is a medium shot of Trey Songz a famous R&B male singer. The image draws a lot of attention because it is a sexy image to go with the male R&B genre of strong, sexy and tattooed men. So it shows the reader the magazine is an R&B magazine and Trey Songz is the main feature, which will attract his wide spread fan base. The image also relates to the main story “Trey Songz, The Hardest in R&B” and the image he has no top on showing his abs and body and has a serious face, which refers to the text suggesting that his the hardest in R&B. In this medium shot of Trey Songz, you can see his Calvin Klein boxers and his body as he is topless, showing his abs and tattoos. This gives a sex appeal to the audience and refers to the text and also refers to the R&B male stereotype, of handsome, strong, sexy great body and tattooed. The colours that have been used are black and red which goes with the mood of seriousness and allows the stories to stand out on the black background. The image does not relate to the audience as it’s a serious image and none of the text relates to the readers. However the image relates to the genre and target audience because, it is an image of Trey Songz a famous R&B male singer and through the appearance of the image. So it is a good image to represent the R&B genre.


The language used on the magazine cover is used to represent the genre R&B. The magazine does not use linguistic devices on the front cover; however there are many stories on the cover. The language used on the front cover of VIBE is informal and slang “hardest in R&B” and “ways to rock a suit”, this type of language is common within the R&B genre. The text relates to the image as it’s the main story in the magazine even though there are other main stories to. It says “Trey Songz The Hardest In R&B” this relates to the image because in the image Trey Songz is portrayed as strong, hot, bad boy stereotype, with his top of and body wet and his tattoos and serious face. The typeface used on the magazine’s cover is bold, blocky and capital letters. The masthead is, red and capital and bold and some of it is covered by the image. Also text has been placed around the image equally to make the image stand out. So the language draws the readers attention to the magazine as well.  


The genre of the magazine is R&B and this is represented through the outlook of the magazines front cover. This is obviously seen through the name of the magazine “VIBE” which is a world known R&B magazine. Also the genre is shown through the image on the front cover of Trey Songz a well known R&B male singer and the way he portrayed through the bad boy look. Also the text is related to other famous R&B singers or rappers such as “Young Jeezy”. So the genre of the magazine is represented the through the text, image and name of the magazine on the front cover, so it’s obvious it R&B genre.

Research For Music Magazines


The image that takes up the most space on the R&B front cover of VIBE magazine is a long shot of the famous singer Ciara, with just a plan dark blue background. The reason for this is to show what the main article in the magazine will be about and draw the audience’s attention in, as Ciara is a top R&B female singer and has the main article in the magazine. So the image of Ciara takes up most of the cover, however the masthead “VIBE” is balanced in big bold letters and is at the top of the magazine, where most readers tend to look first. However the image does cover some of the masthead, showing that the magazine is a well known R&B magazine. The writing is more on the left with the image more on the right and centre making the magazine balanced as its proportional. The alignment of the magazine is more left sided. The image of Ciara is emphasised as it’s a long shot and the main story about Ciara. The contrast of the image on the blue background to make Ciara stand out, also the colouring of the text is mainly yellow and blue, which goes with the background and makes the magazine cover flows. So the effect of the layout makes the genre of R&B obvious and makes the image and stories stand out which draws the attention of the reader. 


The main image on the front cover of VIBE is a long shot of Ciara a famous R&B singer. The image draws a lot of attention as it a sexy image to go with the R&B genre and shows readers it is an R&B magazine and her fan base will buy the magazine. The image relates to the text as the main story is about her “NEW MUSIC, NEW BODY, NO BOW WOW, Ciara Don’t You Wish Your Girlfriend Was HOT LIKE ME?” This relates to the sexy image of Ciara revealing her new self/ appearance. In this image Ciara is dressed very sexy/attractive showing off her figure in a tight leather black dress, with her hair curly and long and out. This shows her as a sexy female, with high confidence, which is the typical view for R&B female singers. The colours used on the front cover are mainly blue and yellow to go with the background of the front cover and so the story stands out, however the unrelated stories are in different colours to make them stand out as well the mood set is very calm and seductive. The image attracts male and female audience due to the sex appeal and due to females looking at her as a role model and beautiful. So the image relates to the genre of R&B and the target audience as she is a top R&B female singer with a wide fan base. So the image is good to display the representation of the magazine.   


The language used on the magazine cover is used to represent the genre R&B. The magazine uses linguistic devices such as a rhetorical question “Don’t You Wish Your Girlfriend Was Hot like Me?” the effect of this is to engage the reader and to show her sex appeal and confidence, so it attracts readers to read on and makes them feel included and they are being spoken to directly. The language used on the front cover is informal and slang “2Much” and “HOT”, this type of language goes with the genre of R&B. The text relates to the image because the main story is about Ciara and that is the main story on the front cover taking up a lot of the cover. The typeface that has been used is bold, blocky and all capital letters. The title is covered by the image, which only well known magazines would do. Also the text has been placed around Ciara to emphasis her figure and sexual appeal, which is very important because it affects the text. So the image draws the audience’s attention to the magazine.


The genre of the magazine is R&B and this is represented through the outlook of the magazines front cover. The magazine represents the R&B genre and this is shown through the name of the magazine “VIBE” which is a well known R&B magazine. Also through the image on the front cover of Ciara a well known R&B female singer and the way she is portrayed in it through the sex appeal. Also the text is related to other famous R&B singers or rappers such as “young jeezy”. So the genre of the magazine is made obvious from the front cover, that its R&B.    

Thursday 17 January 2013

Research For Music Magazines


The image takes up most the space on the front cover of vibe magazine, the main image is a long shot of 50 Cent and the background is cars on fire. The reason for this is because it draws the reader's attention to the magazine and it relates to the text around it ' Global Terror 50 Cent was to be a role model'. The visual image takes up most of the page however the masthead 'VIBE' is balanced to go with the powerful image as it is bold and big. Also the writing on both sides of 50 Cent are equally balanced with each other. The alignment of the text is left and right which creates this balanced effect as the text nicely fits around the main image 50 Cent and the masthead is at the top of the cover, allowing it to make the alignment balanced. The contrast of the text is white and yellow so it does not take to much attention of the image and background, however does make the stories aware. So the effect of the layout on the cover is to draw the reader's attention and to emphasis the image of 50 Cent making it obvious that the magazine is an R&B genre.


  The main image on this page is a long shot of 50 Cent, who is a well known rapper. The image takes up the whole front cover which draws attention, as it’s a large image and allows the readers to automatically know the magazine is R&B. Behind 50 Cent is a background image of cars on fire outside, this relate to the written “Global terror 50 Cent wants to be a role model”.  This relate to the cars been on fire showing global terror and 50 Cent long shot which takes up most the cover, showing he is powerful and he has a serious face showing he takes things serious. Also 50 Cent is dressed very smart in his suit and tie with his brief case, showing that he wants to be taken serious and that he wants to be a role model. Props used are the cars on fire showing global terror. The colours used on the front cover are whites, greys, yellow and red. These colours are used to make the audience aware of the stories but not to other power the magazine cover from the main image. The image makes the audience feel like observers not included as it’s a power image of 50 Cent. The image relates to the target audience and genre the magazine because the genre is R&B and 50 Cent is a well know rapper in the R&B industry and has many followers. So the image is a good image for the front cover of this magazine.


The language used on this magazine is used to represent the genre R&B. The magazine uses linguistics devices such as a rhetorical question ‘IS LIL B YOUR GOD?’ the effect of this is, making the reader read on if they are a fan of Lil B also engages the audience and makes them feel included. The language used on the front cover is informal and slang “DAMN” and “WSHH”. This type of language goes with the genre of the magazine R&B. The text relates to the image as one of the main stories in the magazine is about 50 Cent. The typeface that has been used is bold, blocky and all capital letters. The title is covered by the image, which only well known magazines would do, also it is bold and big like the image of 50 Cent, which is a long shot. The text has been placed around the image to emphasis the image which is very important, also to make sure they are reading the stories while looking at the front cover to draw the reader’s attention.


The genre of the magazine is R&B; it is represented through the outlook of the magazines front cover. The magazine represents R&B and is shown first by the title of the magazine “VIBE” which is a well known R&B magazine and will already have a big audience. The main image on the cover is R&B rapper 50 Cent who is one of the top rappers in the industry. Also the text is related to R&B performers and related issues. So the genre of the magazine is made obvious through the image and the text/language used on the cover.

Wednesday 16 January 2013

Research For Music Magazines

The picture takes up the most space on the magazine cover and is in the centre, which draws attention. The visual impact on this page is balanced as the writing is equal; the heading is the same as the text at the bottom. Also the image of the band members is all the same size apart from the man at the front allowing him to stand out more and show more importance. The alignment of the text is centre of the page. The masthead is at the top in the centre which draws attention to the title. The contrast of the writing is black and white which draws attention also the red band at the bottom of the magazine. This draws attention for the reader. The effect this has on the reader is to get their attention and make it obvious what sort of music magazine it is.
The image on the page is a rock band as the main image. It is a aggressive photo that relates to the type of magazine is it and it relates to the letter K he is holding. The image is a medium shot and is on the top 1/3 of the magazine this is because most readers look straight to the top when looking at a magazine which allows the audience to become aware of the band. They are dressed casual / smart showing all the group members have their own identity, looking at the different personalities they have. The colours been used in on the magazine are harsh colours such as black, red, grey and white. These colours are used to emphasis the magazine style of rock and to make the wording stand out with the different harsh colours. Representing darkness and angry. There's signs of angrier shown through the facial expressions of the rock band and because it’s a rock magazine red has been used and the shatter glass of the title showing angrier. The image does include the audience as they have a rhetorical question ‘wish you were here?’ so this makes the reader feel like they are included. The image relates the target audience as it is a rock magazine and it relates to the rock genre through the way it is laid out and presented. The image relates as I is a top rock band and the image is aggressive.
The language used on this magazine is to represent the genre of rock. The magazine uses linguistic devices such as a rhetorical question ‘ wish you were here’ the reason for this is make the reader want to know more and carry on reading, so to grab the attention of the audience. Also this engages the audience and speaks to the audience through this rhetorical question. The magazine also uses informal language and slang such as ‘K’ which is repeated. The typeface that has been used is bold, blocky and the colours are white, grey and black to do with the rock genre. The title of the magazine has a smashed effect, which could be to do with the man at the front who looks aggressive and like he is going to have a fight. Also the text has been placed in certain place to emphasis the image.
The genre of the magazine is rock; it is represented through the outlook of the magazine cover. The magazine represents rock and it is shown through the magazines title cover Kerrang which is a rock based music and magazine. The cover has the image of the 5 rock band members who have a aggressive look to their faces apart from the one. The main guy looks like he is about to have a fight this represents the aggressive and violent look of rock people. Also the colours and text used on the magazine cover are aggressive and dark, reds, blacks, and greys and white which also make the text stand out. The text used is also bold and blocky, to make it stand out, the title has a smashed look effect to show aggression and rock. So the genre of the magazine is rock and the front cover makes this clear.