Wednesday 16 January 2013

Research For Music Magazines

The picture takes up the most space on the magazine cover and is in the centre, which draws attention. The visual impact on this page is balanced as the writing is equal; the heading is the same as the text at the bottom. Also the image of the band members is all the same size apart from the man at the front allowing him to stand out more and show more importance. The alignment of the text is centre of the page. The masthead is at the top in the centre which draws attention to the title. The contrast of the writing is black and white which draws attention also the red band at the bottom of the magazine. This draws attention for the reader. The effect this has on the reader is to get their attention and make it obvious what sort of music magazine it is.
The image on the page is a rock band as the main image. It is a aggressive photo that relates to the type of magazine is it and it relates to the letter K he is holding. The image is a medium shot and is on the top 1/3 of the magazine this is because most readers look straight to the top when looking at a magazine which allows the audience to become aware of the band. They are dressed casual / smart showing all the group members have their own identity, looking at the different personalities they have. The colours been used in on the magazine are harsh colours such as black, red, grey and white. These colours are used to emphasis the magazine style of rock and to make the wording stand out with the different harsh colours. Representing darkness and angry. There's signs of angrier shown through the facial expressions of the rock band and because it’s a rock magazine red has been used and the shatter glass of the title showing angrier. The image does include the audience as they have a rhetorical question ‘wish you were here?’ so this makes the reader feel like they are included. The image relates the target audience as it is a rock magazine and it relates to the rock genre through the way it is laid out and presented. The image relates as I is a top rock band and the image is aggressive.
The language used on this magazine is to represent the genre of rock. The magazine uses linguistic devices such as a rhetorical question ‘ wish you were here’ the reason for this is make the reader want to know more and carry on reading, so to grab the attention of the audience. Also this engages the audience and speaks to the audience through this rhetorical question. The magazine also uses informal language and slang such as ‘K’ which is repeated. The typeface that has been used is bold, blocky and the colours are white, grey and black to do with the rock genre. The title of the magazine has a smashed effect, which could be to do with the man at the front who looks aggressive and like he is going to have a fight. Also the text has been placed in certain place to emphasis the image.
The genre of the magazine is rock; it is represented through the outlook of the magazine cover. The magazine represents rock and it is shown through the magazines title cover Kerrang which is a rock based music and magazine. The cover has the image of the 5 rock band members who have a aggressive look to their faces apart from the one. The main guy looks like he is about to have a fight this represents the aggressive and violent look of rock people. Also the colours and text used on the magazine cover are aggressive and dark, reds, blacks, and greys and white which also make the text stand out. The text used is also bold and blocky, to make it stand out, the title has a smashed look effect to show aggression and rock. So the genre of the magazine is rock and the front cover makes this clear.

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