Thursday 17 January 2013

Research For Music Magazines


The image takes up most the space on the front cover of vibe magazine, the main image is a long shot of 50 Cent and the background is cars on fire. The reason for this is because it draws the reader's attention to the magazine and it relates to the text around it ' Global Terror 50 Cent was to be a role model'. The visual image takes up most of the page however the masthead 'VIBE' is balanced to go with the powerful image as it is bold and big. Also the writing on both sides of 50 Cent are equally balanced with each other. The alignment of the text is left and right which creates this balanced effect as the text nicely fits around the main image 50 Cent and the masthead is at the top of the cover, allowing it to make the alignment balanced. The contrast of the text is white and yellow so it does not take to much attention of the image and background, however does make the stories aware. So the effect of the layout on the cover is to draw the reader's attention and to emphasis the image of 50 Cent making it obvious that the magazine is an R&B genre.


  The main image on this page is a long shot of 50 Cent, who is a well known rapper. The image takes up the whole front cover which draws attention, as it’s a large image and allows the readers to automatically know the magazine is R&B. Behind 50 Cent is a background image of cars on fire outside, this relate to the written “Global terror 50 Cent wants to be a role model”.  This relate to the cars been on fire showing global terror and 50 Cent long shot which takes up most the cover, showing he is powerful and he has a serious face showing he takes things serious. Also 50 Cent is dressed very smart in his suit and tie with his brief case, showing that he wants to be taken serious and that he wants to be a role model. Props used are the cars on fire showing global terror. The colours used on the front cover are whites, greys, yellow and red. These colours are used to make the audience aware of the stories but not to other power the magazine cover from the main image. The image makes the audience feel like observers not included as it’s a power image of 50 Cent. The image relates to the target audience and genre the magazine because the genre is R&B and 50 Cent is a well know rapper in the R&B industry and has many followers. So the image is a good image for the front cover of this magazine.


The language used on this magazine is used to represent the genre R&B. The magazine uses linguistics devices such as a rhetorical question ‘IS LIL B YOUR GOD?’ the effect of this is, making the reader read on if they are a fan of Lil B also engages the audience and makes them feel included. The language used on the front cover is informal and slang “DAMN” and “WSHH”. This type of language goes with the genre of the magazine R&B. The text relates to the image as one of the main stories in the magazine is about 50 Cent. The typeface that has been used is bold, blocky and all capital letters. The title is covered by the image, which only well known magazines would do, also it is bold and big like the image of 50 Cent, which is a long shot. The text has been placed around the image to emphasis the image which is very important, also to make sure they are reading the stories while looking at the front cover to draw the reader’s attention.


The genre of the magazine is R&B; it is represented through the outlook of the magazines front cover. The magazine represents R&B and is shown first by the title of the magazine “VIBE” which is a well known R&B magazine and will already have a big audience. The main image on the cover is R&B rapper 50 Cent who is one of the top rappers in the industry. Also the text is related to R&B performers and related issues. So the genre of the magazine is made obvious through the image and the text/language used on the cover.

1 comment:

  1. exellent explanation of the relationship between the front cover image and the background image to the text around it and you also relate the language to the genre of the mag R&B
