Monday 25 February 2013

Research for Magazine Content page

Content Page

This is a content page from 'Vibe' magazine, which is a well known R&B magazine. The layout of the content page is a medium close up shot of a famous R&B rapper, which takes up most of the space on the content page. This is important to the genre as of the magazine as through the chosen image it is made clear the magazine is a R&B based magazine, this is because he is a well known R&B rapper. The content page is not very balanced as the image takes up most the space, however there is writing on the left side of the content page making it left alignment. The contrast of the white on a dark red allows the writing to stand out, also the ‘V’ on the content page in the darker red back to relate it to the title of the magazine. The image on the content page is a famous R&B rapper; this is the only image on the content page. The image relates the R&B genre of typical R&B male singers and rappers, with the gold teeth, heavy amount of jewellery, cap and tattoos so this look emphasis the fact the magazine is an R&B genre. The image makes the audience observers and does not include them, just attracts them. So it relates to the audience by making them either inspires to be like him or a sexual attraction. The written language on the content page is informal and relaxed and it relates to the audience and gives of a relaxed tone. The writing on the magazine is in capital and bold to show that it is the content page so it stands out, the rest of the writing is in capitals but not bold or the font is not as big. The information tells the readers what is going to be further in the magazine so the stories and this attracts attention to make the reader want to carry on reading. The genre is very apparent from the front cover however the content page makes the genre apparent. This is shown on the content page by the chosen picture of the famous male R&B rapper, who has a wide fan base. Also the articles that are within the magazine are shown on the content page which relates to R&B genre, so through the content page it is made apparent to the readers that the magazine is a R&B magazine.      

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