Friday 22 March 2013

Practice Photos

These are the practice photos I took for the magazine, I took these photos to just practice with the camera and try a few different angles and locations to help for my real photos.

Thursday 21 March 2013

Double Spread Draft

This is my mock up for my double spread page, the double spread page mock up is related to the research I have done on my chosen genre R&B. There will be two images on my double spread, one on each page, the one image will be a long shot and the other will be a medium close up. The images will relate to the genre so the way they pose and the clothes they wear. The rest of the double spread will contain the written article about the performer and the person will be the person on my front cover. So my double spread is based on the research I have done.

Content Page Draft

This is my mock up for my content page, the mock up is going to relate to the research I have done on R&B, as that is my chosen topic. On my content page it will have again only one main image; however it will be a different image and person. The image will be a medium shot again and the pose, clothes and image will try to represent the R&B genre. Then in the top right corner it will have contents and the initial Q&K. Then on the left hand side going down in a column it will have the information that will be within my magazine.

Front Cover Draft

The front cover of my magazine is going to relate to the research I have done for my chosen music genre which is R&B. It will have only one main image on it which will be a relate to my double spread, the image will be a medium close of and will try to represent the R&B genre, through the pose, colours and clothes worn. The name of the magazine will be at the top centre to balance the magazine, the style will be bold capital letters. Then around the picture there will be the straplines and relevant information to what is inside the magazine, these will be placed round the image. Then at the bottom of the image there will be the price and a bar code.

Double Spread Research

Double spread   

This a double spread from the magazine ‘Vibe’ which is an R&B genre based magazine. The double spread is based on a famous R&B rapper Wiz, who is well known in the industry of R&B music and has a wide fan base worldwide. The double spread contains one image on the on left hand side of the double spread and on the right hand side the article for the double spread article.
The one image that is on the double spread is a close up of the famous R&B rapper/singer and the image is on a black background to make the image stand out. The image takes up the whole of the page and in the image it’s a close up of his face to show the facial expression and the smoke he is releasing out of his mouth. He is also wearing a cap and showing off the tattoos on his neck. This shows the bad boy look which is represented through the R&B genre. 

The article is not in an interview style it is like they are telling a story of part of wiz is life. They use a rhetorical question “how high?” this makes the audience feel like they are been directly spoken to and make them feel included in the article. The have used yellow and black to do with the theme of the article as it is to do with his top hit song “Black and Yellow” so the colour scheme is relevant. Also the spoken language is formal and relevant to the style of the article.

The genre of the magazine is made clear through the double spread page, as the company of the magazine is a VIBE a well-known R&B magazine. Also from the chosen performer that has been used for the article is Wiz a top R&B rapper who is well known and has a wide fan base around the world which will attract a wide audience, also from the information used in the article and the pose of the image. So the genre of the magazine is R&B and this is made clear through the double spread of the magazine.  

Double Spread Research

Double Spread

This a double spread from the magazine ‘Vibe’ which is an R&B genre based magazine. The double spread is based on one famous R&B rapper Drake, who is a well known rapper worldwide, with a big fan base. The double spread contains 2 images of the R&B rapper Drake and an interview telling his story. One the first page there is a column of information and on the right there is an image which takes up most of the page. Then on the other page there is an image on the top half taking landscape and then three smaller columns of writing underneath. The double spread is balanced as they have used a grid to make sure everything is balanced and looks good to the audience, also making it easy for the reader to read the information. 

The two images on the page are both of Drake the famous R&B rapper the double spread article is about. The first image is a medium shot of Drake, with a dark black contrasting background which makes Drake stand out, with his facial expression. In the image Drake is wearing dark coloured clothes and the image is a dark image which makes his face and facial expressions stand out more. The mood is a happy mood as he has a huge grin and looks very happy and proud of himself.  The other image is a medium close up of drake sitting down in his studio. It is a black and white image, so no use of colours. The image shows he takes his music serious and makes the audience feel included in the image as it’s in his personal space. So he is including them in by showing an important part of his life.

The article is about Drake a famous R&B rapper is not in the sense of an interview more telling the reader information about him. The colour the writing is plain black on a white background however the first paragraph is red and in bold to main it stand out and it contrasts on the white back ground.

The genre of the magazine is made clear in through the double spread page, as the company of the magazine is VIBE a well known R&B magazine. Also through the chosen performer as Drake is a well known R&B rapper/singer with a wide fan base which will attract an audience. Also through the dark colours that are used in the images. So the genre of the magazine is R&B and I think this is made clear through the double spread.

Monday 25 February 2013

Research for Magazine Content page

Content Page

This is a content page from 'Vibe' magazine, which is a well known R&B magazine. The layout of the content page is a medium close up shot of a famous R&B rapper, which takes up most of the space on the content page. This is important to the genre as of the magazine as through the chosen image it is made clear the magazine is a R&B based magazine, this is because he is a well known R&B rapper. The content page is not very balanced as the image takes up most the space, however there is writing on the left side of the content page making it left alignment. The contrast of the white on a dark red allows the writing to stand out, also the ‘V’ on the content page in the darker red back to relate it to the title of the magazine. The image on the content page is a famous R&B rapper; this is the only image on the content page. The image relates the R&B genre of typical R&B male singers and rappers, with the gold teeth, heavy amount of jewellery, cap and tattoos so this look emphasis the fact the magazine is an R&B genre. The image makes the audience observers and does not include them, just attracts them. So it relates to the audience by making them either inspires to be like him or a sexual attraction. The written language on the content page is informal and relaxed and it relates to the audience and gives of a relaxed tone. The writing on the magazine is in capital and bold to show that it is the content page so it stands out, the rest of the writing is in capitals but not bold or the font is not as big. The information tells the readers what is going to be further in the magazine so the stories and this attracts attention to make the reader want to carry on reading. The genre is very apparent from the front cover however the content page makes the genre apparent. This is shown on the content page by the chosen picture of the famous male R&B rapper, who has a wide fan base. Also the articles that are within the magazine are shown on the content page which relates to R&B genre, so through the content page it is made apparent to the readers that the magazine is a R&B magazine.